IDENTICOM4 Cluj-Napoca 02-04 Octombrie 2019
Identify the future
Conceptul IDENTICOM 4 se concentreaza in jurul relatiei dintre companiile orientate inspre inovatie, digitalizare in era Industry 4.0 si viziune asupra calitatii, si clientii acestora. Va oferim astfel contact direct cu numeroase companii internationale cat si din Romania in domeniul automatizarilor, IT, prelucrarii metalice, automotive, metalurgic, aeronautic, energetic, logistic, piese schimb, industira alimentara, prelucrare lemn dar si din domeniul cercetarii si dezvoltarii.
Dinamica evenimentului IDENTICOM4 este data de activitatile din cadrul targului, punctul nostru forte va crea punti de comunicare directa intre companii, clienti si chiar potentiali angajati.
IDENTICOM4 inseamna:
- Conferinte zilnice ( IOT, IOLINK, IND4.0, ROBOTI, CNC, Soft)
- Demonstratii de ultima generatie
- Activitati interactive VR si simulatoare
- Concurs IT Chalange dedicat Industry 4.0
- Prezentari / traininuri dedicate
- Seminar de educatie financiara
Printre beneficiile expozantilor se numara:
- Contact direct cu posibili parteneri de afaceri
- Deschiderea parteneriatelor cu universitatile de profil si mediul IOT
- Cina festiva si festivitate premiere a companiilor participante
- Petrecere expozanti si alte surprise
- Suport logistic
- Promovarea atat in interiorul targului (panou LED si materialele targului) cat si in exterior prin diverse canale media
Identifica solutii personalizate pentru compania ta alaturi de noi!
Contact: Tel: 0755 086 110 WEB:
IDENTICOM4 Cluj-Napoca october 2019
Identify the future
Identify the future
IDENTICOM4 concept revolves around the relationship between innovative companies in Industry 4.0 era with a high vision on product quality, and it’s clients. The trade fair will gather international and romanian companies in automation, IT, metalworking, automotive, IT, metallurgic, aeronautic industries, energy, logistic, food industry, wood industry and also research and innovation companies.
IDENTICOM4 is to be a dynamic event due to it’s large range of activities dedicated both to the participants and the companies. Communication bridges will be created between companies, potential workers and clients.
- Daily conferences ( IOT, IOLINK, IND4.0, ROBOTI, CNC, Soft)
- Top of the edge demonstrations
- Interactive VR
- IT Chalange contest for the Industry 4.0
- Financial skills trainings
- Trainings on specific products/
Companies will benefit from
- Research partnerships with Transilvania’s top universities
- Gala dinner and award ceremony
- Private party
- Logistic support
- Online and offline marketing on location and in specialized publications
Identify your solutions at IDENTICOM4!
Contact: Tel: 0755 086 110 WEB:
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